Revolutive IT™


Plovdiv (Bulgaria), 2th of November 2005

Atlantis Technologies has started the development of a new portal in the entertainment area. Part of the search engine will be based on its technology used in its decision support system Polaris™ (see previous news). This portal offers unique multi-language support.

Plovdiv (Bulgaria), 25th of May 2005

Atlantis Technologies decided to market its decision support system based on search and interpretation in the sector of car selling. It will be addressed to internet portals who offer the possibility to choose a car on multiple criterion. The tool is named Polaris™ in order to reflect its main objective: being a guide through the decision phase of buying a car.

Plovdiv (Bulgaria), 28th of April 2005

The menu of Atlantis Technologies's web site has been redesigned.

Plovdiv (Bulgaria), 14th of January 2005

For one of its italian major clients, Atlantis Technologies starts the migration of a business critical application running on a COBOL/CICS/DB2 platform to a new .NET architecture. The application counts approximatively 300K LOC and is planned to be migrated in 2 months. Atlantis Technologies will also develop the new interfaces and test the whole new application. The database will be migrated to MS Sql Server.

Plovdiv (Bulgaria), 5th of November 2004

Atlantis Technologies and Adamantsoft Ltd. have signed up a strategic alliance for the offshore software development - maintenance and testing activity.
The purpose of this alliance is to strenghten the position and visibility of both companies at the international level, in order to better respond to the constantly increasing demand for offshore high-quality and low-cost services for international customers.
From now, Atlantis Technologies and Adamantsoft will join their efforts, operating together with the same pool of experts (among which university professors) and client base for providing their clients with robust applications based on the expertise of both companies which are on one hand the strong complex technical and architectural knowledge of AdamantSoft and on the other hand the expertise in innovative software quality, development process and offshore project management of Atlantis Technologies.

AdamantSoft Ltd. is an international, offshore custom software and web development company with a dedicated Software Development Centre in Plovdiv, Bulgaria and UK-based project management. ADAMANTSoft has a proven track record of delivering high quality small and middle sized client projects within set timescales and budgets. They have been serving the international software development community since 1996. They specialize in custom software, web development, management and task solving software. More on

Plovdiv (Bulgaria), 15th of october 2004

In order to be ahead of competition and respect the engagement of being an innovative company, Atlantis Technologies has launched the study of a decision support process based on search and interpretation of the result. This will result in the development of a multi-purpose software prototype.

Plovdiv (Bulgaria), 1st of october 2004

Atlantis Technologies has launched a new set of remote services (Atlantis:Monitor, Atlantis:Secure and Atlantis:Call) in order to provide its clients with remote network and PC monitoring, protection, optimization, disaster recovery and call-center services.
The main objective of those remote services is to help customers cutting down the support and administration costs still benefitting from low-cost and more experienced network administrators.
The decision to set-up this kind of services is argumented by established facts stating that "... while the price for personal computers continues to decline, the actual cost to own and operate PCs continues to rise. Research has shown that 85% of the estimated yearly cost to own/operate a computer is spent on technical support (15%), administrative tasks (14%), and misdirected end user activities (56%) performed in the course of using the computer. The single largest cost component is the time wasted by end users trying to help themselves or help their colleagues with problems best left to the IS department.

Plovdiv (Bulgaria), 1st of June 2004

Atlantis Technologies has launched MasterQual™, its Software Quality Process for developing qualitative software based on the integration of two indissociable software Quality types: Functional Quality and Technical Quality.
The MasterQual™ Methodology leads to the development of programs that have the characteristics to be:
- Documented
- Corrects
- Minimals and Not Complex
- Flexible
- Easy to test
- Quickly tested
- Maintainable
- Performant
As already foreseen, MasterQual™ integrates RuleTracker™.
With MasterQual™, new delivered applications will not be directly legacy systems as it often occurs.

Plovdiv (Bulgaria), 1st of April 2004

Atlantis Technologies has set up RuleTracker™, the documentation system that enables the "tracking" of a Business Rule along all the development cycle. This enables - when the programs are developped - to know exactly how a Business Rule has been implemented, and also what is the impact on other pieces of programs in the case a change occurs to the Business Rule. This results to a gain of time, money and Quality in the maintenance phase. This kind of traceability can only be reached if the functional specifications are synchronized with the technical specifications and the programs. RuleTracker™ integrates the knowledge of Atlantis Technologies'core business and fully uses it's services aimed at documenting existing software, measure software Quality, restructure and transform code. Those services are InVision™, Recover™, ValueIT™ and Revolve™. RuleTracker™ will soon be integrated in Atlantis Technologies's Software Quality Process, which is in a study phase.

Plovdiv (Bulgaria), 8th of February 2004

Atlantis Technologies has decided to set up a team for the development of a specific Software Quality Process aimed at developing better Qualitative programs by integrating its expertise in legacy systems. The use of this new Process must lead to new delivered programs do not suffer immediately from the symptoms of legacy systems. Hence, the use of this Process must be a warranty for better offshore software development.

Benevento (Italy) - company's headquarters - 18st of November 2003

Atlantis Technologies has launched its new web site which will reflect the change in the service offering and will put the accent on the offshore services. The former services are still available. The brochures have also been updated in order to reflect the change.

Benevento (Italy) - company's headquarters - 1st of October 2003

Atlantis Technologies's Board of Directors has decided to move the operations in Bulgaria, in order to better respond to the constantly increasing demand for offshore high-quality and low-cost services for international customers. The company will be based in Plovdiv, which is the second city of Bulgaria.
The choice for Bulgaria has been motivated by the highly skilled experts in the ICT market, geo-political stability and other advantageous economic factors.
The company is now looking for a local partner having already international and complementary activities.

Benevento (Italy) - company's headquarters - 25th of September 2003

Atlantis Technologies has won a call for tender in the italian public sector reguarding the migration of a legacy application to a new platform. The old application - COBOL/PL1/IMS - counts approximatively 250K LOC and has to be migrated to a Jave environment. The migration will take approximatively 2 months, Atlantis Technologies will also develop the new interfaces, migrate the database to Oracle and test the whole new application.

Benevento (Italy) - company's headquarters - 15th of June 2003

Atlantis Technologies's Board of Directors is evaluating the possibility to move its operations abroad, in a country that offers low-cost labor and highly skilled personal. In any case, the choice will be for a country in Eastern Europe, in order to decrease the physical distance between customers and the operation base, but also decrease cultural and time zone differences.
The necessity has born after that the continuous monitoring of the IT market evolution has shown a still growing interest of customers to choose for offshore solutions and partners in order to cut-off expenses in the IT department but still assuring that new applications are built and existing one are maintained.

Our solutions are the most efficient, flexible, quality-based and cheaper of the market, due to our fully innovative and customer-driven approach. Discover them and compare them to the solutions provided you by our competitors.

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